Poster Designs Made in Czechoslovakia / Non-Czechoslovak Poster Art

Interesting poster designs are constantly passing by our poster archive. Besides our main focus on Czechoslovak poster artists, we have developed strong passion for Iranian or Polish posters, not leaving Germans and others behind. We are fascinated by alternative posters designed for censored Czechoslovak movies that have managed to slip through the iron curtain at the time, as well as posters that were made by Czechoslovak artists for theatre plays, exhibitions or sport and cultural events (amateur cycling competition The Peace Race). Few movie poster artists such Jaroslav Sůra, Karel Míšek, Zdeněk Vlach or Zdeněk Ziegler were quite famous for it.

Several related links to look at:

cycling posters theatre posters Otl Aicher’s Munich Olympics Posters

Reach artist’s portfolios via index page, if you wish to observe their posters in chronological order.

Showing 49–64 of 151 results

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