Showing 33–48 of 163 results
Movie poster designed for Krzysztof Gradowski’s adventurous fantasy tale by Czech graphic designer and illustrator Marek Jodas.
- Movie title: Mr. Blob in the Universe
- Poster design: Marek Jodas, 1989
- Poster size: A3
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Iconic illustrated sci-fi movie poster design for adaptation of Stanislaw Lem’s book by Czech artist Teodor Rotrekl.
- Movie title: First Spaceship on Venus
- Poster design: Teodor Rotrekl, 1960
- Poster size: A3
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for Julian Dziedzina’s drama starring Daniel Olbrychski by Czech fine artist Eva Galová-Vodrážková.
- Movie title: Boxer
- Poster design: Eva Galová-Vodrážková, 1967
- Poster size: A3 (40.5 x 28.3 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for a screening of short puppet / animated children’s fairy tales by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: Fairy Tale about a Dragon
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1968
- Poster size: A3 (41.9 x 29.5 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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